Jazzing Up the Day

Just my rumbling mumbling about what i do everyday

Friday, June 10, 2005

Loud and Energetic Bunch

Yesterday, out of the blue, MS txt'ed me to tell me about my high school same-bench (sebangku :D, can anybody come up with a better word?) friend, DS. He apparently is having his vacation out of his graduate study up in Singapore. We were a pretty unique friend, we have a lot physical stuff in common...like our lips..ahhahah....we used to sit at the back right corner of the class so we called ourselves Joknan (Pojok Kanan) or Jokbir (Pojok Bibir), we liked to fool around with SKB (arab), SCR and AP (yeap, soon to be Mr. Pres daughter in law). We decided to meet up at Dim Sum Kemang (yeap, that place again, this time I want to check out the meal).

Other than me, DS and MS ...IP also came along. She has always been the catalyst when there's a get together...her observational skill made her pretty good jayus gal :D. We met up before and still remember when she spewed a few jayus stuff ( remember this? ). When I first got there, I tried to order Avocado juice..I was like..

Me: Mesen Jus Alpokat dong mba?
Mba2: Maaf, kita ga ada jus alpokat mas
Me: Avocado Juicenya mba...
Mba2: ooo avocado juice...ok
Me: * langsung heran ni org ko ga bisa bahasa indonesia ye ? kebanyakan sok inggris si :P*

2 mnt kemudian..

Mba2: Wah avocado juicenya ga ada mas, mo pesen yang lain ga ?
Me: kalo gitu jus alpukat ada dong... *belagak bego*
Mba2: *bingung*
Me: ehhee...ya udah kalo gitu es teh manis lah...eh sori ice tea :P

After waiting for a bit while...IP and MS came... we started chatting and stuff...while looking at the menu IP noticed that they spell squid (cumi2) wrong....they spelt it squit...then my Jayus moment came...

Me: squit? bukannya itu kalo lo dimapras ya disuruh squit jump 10 kali
IP: gileee lo cirrr, gue jg kalah jayus ama elo
Me: Oh itu squat jump ye hohohohoho

after a bit while, MS started talking about how dentists likes to talk with english words...

MS: Iya, contohnya deh...saliva..lo ngerti kan cir saliva itu apa?
Me: oh iya iya...
DS: ohhh iya iya, saliva itu singkong bukan
Me: hmm...ya jadi lo demen ama keripik saliva dong DS *Belagak bego*
Me, MS, IP was LMAO :D :D
DS: loh emang knp? sala ya?
Me: Saliva itu ludah dul!
DS: ohh hehuehue...kalo gitu singkong apa yah...oh iya Cassava ohhoho

There was another jayus moment, when DS wanted to join the jayus conversation...

IP: DS, lo ga demen makan cherry yg di black forest itu ?
DS: wah nggak tuh, benci gue
Me: Gile lo ama cherry aja bencinya udah kayak ama apeeee aje
DS: Well, kalo tom and cherry si gue suka
IP, Me, MS started locking our lips,.....crickets chirping..

talking about jayus at its best ehheheeh


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