Jazzing Up the Day

Just my rumbling mumbling about what i do everyday

Monday, July 09, 2007

Individualist v. Socialist or more than that?

It's interesting how a person can evolve based on his surroundings. I still remember my days back in the States where everyone tends to be individualist. It is very common to see a person walking in a shopping place or mall all by himself and I used to do that all the time. That was like 3-4 years ago. Now I have lived in Jakarta for more than 2 years and I feel my individualistic nature is deteriorating. Now I am not that comfortable anymore going to a mall all by myself. It might not be just that my individualistic nature is deteriorating. It might also be a sign that this is the time that I really need a companion. Yeah...it's that time again, the time when a person longs for a companion.

My 26th birthday was like a week ago. I am in a phase when I go to a wedding, everyone seems to have a companion by his or her side. It's gettin harder to find a friend, guy or girl to go with for a wedding because of this. This kind of feeling sort of creeping slowly and gets kind of frustrating. The best temporary cure for this has always been work and work, unfortunately I am taking my annual leave right now and I'm regretting it. I took it at a worst time, around the month of July the students are also havin their vacation, it's very hard to find cheap tickets and I am forced to stay home. Staying home is sort of my achilles heel right now, It gives a chance for sulking phase to creep in again.